Monday, October 19, 2020

These Are a Few of My Favorite Calming Things

515 words
4 minute read

In case you missed it, October 10th was World Mental Health Day.

As the years have passed, I've come to the realization that I have trauma.  In fact, if you've been around for a while, you probably picked up on the fact that I have various mental health things.  There are times of year that are more difficult than others.  Specifically, the winter months coming up.  (November and December.)  So I thought it would be good to create a list of positive coping things / things we use around here to regulate and self-soothe:

1.  Music / Podcasts - We use a lot of instrumental music  to calm down when the trauma's especially active.  To that end, I've made a Calming Playlist on SpotifyI'd also be remiss if I did not mention Childhood with Chanel and Tiffany - a totally soothing podcast that is literally just two sisters talking and sharing memories about their childhood.

2. Stuffed Animals / Other Soft Things - There is no age limit on comfort and if stuffed animals make you feel safe, I say cuddle the crap out of them.  (Also, blankets.  Yum.)

3.  Whatever Gives You (Safe) Sensory Joy - bubble wrap, Thinking Putty, glitter bottles, slime or light up stress balls (TW flashing lights at the stress ball link.)  Use any or all of it to your heart's content.

4.  Aromatherapy -  We're very big fans of essential oils and recently have discovered the joy of fragrance oils.  But we also have a deep and abiding love for candles.  Know scents trigger you, and err on the side of ones you find grounding and calming.

5. Coloring or Drawing - Whether you have to color yourself some protecting fish with scented Mr. Sketch markers or actually sketch out your trauma during Inktober, creative outlets are so freeing!

6.  Writing - I do all kinds of writing to process trauma, anxiety, depression, etc.  Aside from blogging, I write poetry and disabled fiction to help.  And it does help.

7. Read Notes From Safe People - It might just be a Tara-and-me thing but we have always written each other notes.  When we can't be with each other, and things are hard?  Reading those notes helps.

8.  Take Care of Your Inner Child / Children - This may sound really weird, especially if you've never done it before, but it is so affirming.  Practice checking in with your inner child.  Ask them how old they are.  Or what they like to play.  Our inner children love to watch movies.

9.  Talk / Process With Safe People - In a world where ableism often comes at us from every side, it can feel daunting to go out in the world, where so much of basic interacting feels loaded.  That's why it's so important to touch base with your safe people when possible.  (Luckily, I live with mine, so she gets to hear all about my place blindness nightmares.)

10. Baking / Cooking / Creating Food or Beverages - We have a strong love for baking cookies and also homemade hot chocolate.


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