Tuesday, July 6, 2021

10 More Things to Know When Getting Vaccinated with CP

518 words
4 minutes

Three days ago, I got my second dose of the Moderna vaccine.

Since my first post seemed to be helpful, I thought, perhaps, another would be important as the second dose is a little different.


[Image: Me pointing to my bandaid after getting my second dose]


1.  Your second dose might not exactly be 2 weeks later

Our second dose (scheduled when we got our first) was a month later.  This ended up being ideal, as it allowed plenty of recovery time from the first.


2.  Going out might be easier

Staying in for one month, it's a lot easier to go out than it was for me staying in for 16 months (before my first dose.)  It was also reassuring that I had 80% immunity this time.


3.  You'll still be asked to mask

I like to coordinate mine with my outfits.  


4.  Don't forget to hydrate

Though it wasn't spelled out explicitly this time, we still made sure to drink 16 ounces of water before we went.  And we kept drinking our usual 100 ounces per day afterward.


5. Hand-sanitizer may be inaccessible

I like to bring my own.  (And disinfectant wipes, just to be safe.)


6. Your wait time afterward may be shorter

After our first dose, we had to wait 15 minutes, but after the second (and being reassured that we did not have concerning side effects), we only had to wait 10 minutes.


7.  Some symptoms might be less intense this time, yay!

While I still noticed thirst this time, it was less intense and only lasted the first night / day.  Also not present?  Shortness of breath, which I did not enjoy the first time around, and was glad to not have to deal with this time.


8.  Some might be worse (but short-lived!)

This time random body aches (one knuckle, one elbow??) were more intense and I woke in a lot of CP related pain in the middle of the first night (which never happens.)  This is likely due to exertion / climbing in and out of a car.  Was fairly manageable with Ibuprofen and CBD spray and relented after a day.

I noticed a slight headache (slight, I think, because we prioritized hydrating.)

Fatigue was intense.  

Needed two naps the next day and one the day after.

But after day one post-vaccine, I felt 80-90% better.


9.  If you are a person with a period, the vaccine may change it

This does not necessarily mean that it will be alarmingly heavy (thought it may.)  It might also mean it's lighter or more evenly distributed, depending on your cycle.


10.  You'll be okay

These are still pandemic times and it's still intense and worrying but being vaccinated can only help.  So get vaccinated if you can, and if you can't, know that there are those of us out there who are getting vaccinated to protect ourselves -- and also others.


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