Monday, August 3, 2020

We Belong: Chapter 31

346 words
3 minute read


Jesse promises he didn’t take my candy.  

“I forgot you moved yours in there.  I bet Sophia has it.”

“Great!  I’ll never get it back now!”

“Yes you will,” Jesse nods confidently.  “We’ll make a plan.”

We spend all night working on it.  

Jesse draws a map of what Sophia’s cabin looks like and all of the places she could have hidden the candy.  I draw one of Sophia’s house, and especially her bedroom, even though I know for sure uncle Craig and aunt Janice don’t allow her to have food in her room.  (Mom and Dad don’t usually let us either, but the candy from Grandma is an exception, - Mom just decided - so Seth doesn’t see it and cry about not getting any.)  I finish the map of her house and stare at all the places I colored in red.  There are six just in her room.  That candy could be anywhere.

I’m very worried.  I have seen Sophia on Halloween.  I know how fast she can eat candy.  She always gets a stomach ache but says she doesn’t care.  I don’t know how that’s possible.  I always care if I get a stomach ache.

[Image: A green Jack-O-Lantern bucket full of Halloween candy]

“The map is good, but how are we going to find the candy before she eats it all?”

“Connor and Shane!  Think about it!  They’ve been at her cabin and her house more than we have.  Shane could distract her and Connor could look for the candy,” Jesse says loudly.

“At her house and her cabin?” I ask doubtfully.

“No, but she hasn’t been to her cabin today and she’s not going until the weekend, so all we have to do is have Shane and Connor find it before she leaves for the cabin!” Jesse says, like it’s really simple.

I'm not so sure.

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Question for Discussion:

Do you think Lexie's candy is at Sophia's cabin, Sophia's house, or somewhere else?


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